Rejected Under 17 equipment officer pleads with Kurt Okraku to come to his aid

Ghana Under 17 equipment officer Abdul Razak is pleading with the Ghana Football Association president, Kurt E.S Okraku to come his aid as he has nothing doing due to a motor accident he had.

Abdul Razak who was the equipment officer for the Ghana Under 17 team in 2017 has struggled to be on his feet since his motor accident. In an interview with Accra based radio station,Power FM, Abdul Razak said he spent all his money on his treatment due to a motor accident he had but his effort in getting the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ghana Football Association to come to his aid has proven futile and is now pleading with the new Ghana Football Association president Kurt Okraku to come to his aid.

“I wrote a letter to the Ghana Football Association for help because I had to do another surgery and I don’t have any money on me. Alex Asante told me to forward it to the Ministry of Youth and Sports but I haven’t heard from them up till now.”

“I am at the house now doing nothing so am pleading with the new Ghana Football Association president Kurt Okraku to come to my aid so I can stand on my feet to work and feed my family.”

source: Alex Adu

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