Hasaacas Ladies striker Mukarama Abdulai proud after Women’s Premier League triumph

Mukarama triumph

Hasaacas Ladies forward Mukarama Abdulai is overjoyed with her team’s recent success in the 2023/24. Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League season, particularly after overcoming significant injury setbacks.

The Sekondi-based Hasmal Ladies clinched the league title with a 2-1 victory over Ampem Darkoa. Ladies in the final on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at the University of Ghana. This triumph ended Ampem Darkoa’s hopes of securing a third consecutive championship.

Mukarama Abdulai played a pivotal role in the win, scoring one of the goals after Veronica Baa Kumah had opened the scoring. This victory marked Hasaacas Ladies’ first league title since the 2020/21 season.

In an interview with Joy Sports after the match, the former Northern Ladies striker expressed her elation and pride in both her team and herself.

Hasaacas Ladies striker Mukarama Abdulai

“Right now, I am so happy. I am so proud of the team and myself,” Mukarama said. “Looking back to how we struggled in the second round and getting to this point, I feel very proud.”

This Premier League medal adds to Mukarama’s recent success with the Black Princesses, where she won gold at the 2023 African Games. However, her journey to this moment has not been easy, having spent two years recovering from injuries.

“I don’t even have the words to describe how I am feeling. If I have ever been ungrateful, Allah should forgive me because my congratulatory messages have been too many,” she added. “It is something that motivates me to think I can still be who I was before my injury.”

Looking ahead, Mukarama and Hasaacas Ladies aim to participate in the CAF Women’s Champions League. To achieve this, they will first need to perform well in the WAFU B qualifiers set for August.

With her resilience and determination, Mukarama Abdulai continues to inspire her team and fans, proving that perseverance and hard work can lead to great success.

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